We'd love to have you join us this Friday (September 4) at 6:30 PM for a Kingsgate prayer walk. You can do the walk from your own home and in your own neighborhood, or if you are able, meet up with us at Kingsgate plaza (near the dentist and laundromat.)
We will pray together, and then split up to walk around Kingsgate and our communities and pray for them. If you've never done a prayer walk before, no worries. There are several ways I've seen them done, and you can do what works best for you:
As you walk, imagine Jesus is walking with you and you are praying out loud and praying for the homes, neighbors, and businesses as you walk by.
Walk a street, stop at the corner and pray for the community, then repeat for each street you are on.
Quietly pray for the community and your neighbors as you walk the streets of Kingsgate.
Please invite your friends at neighbors to join as well!